Paktshoding Lake

Phaktshoding lake is located at 4.5 kms from Gedu town. Phaktshoding Lake visit Paktshoding Tsho, a thriving environment alive with life, is located in the middle of the Gedu forest beneath the highway. Numerous aquatic creatures, including amphibians, reptiles, and water flow, which are dependent on the lake for survival, call it home. 
Oral histories passed down through generations claim that the Phaktshoding lake was created by spring water that emerged from a bore hole that wild boars that lived in the area where the lake is located cut into the ground.
The lake empties into a space that resembles a silver bowl, and the water that emerges is thought to represent wealth and riches, the lake's gift to the Bongo Gewog people.
The lake is revered by the Bongo Gewog people and by anybody who has the good fortune to visit this hallowed wonderland, which is a source of both metaphorical and material blessings.

 Lakes hold significant importance in Bhutan, a landlocked country in the eastern Himalayas. Lakes serve as essential sources of freshwater in Bhutan. They play a crucial role in providing water for drinking and irrigation and supporting various economic activities such as agriculture, livestock rearing, and hydropower generation. Bhutan heavily relies on its water resources, and lakes contribute to sustaining livelihoods and economic development.

Bhutanese culture and spirituality are deeply intertwined with nature. Lakes are considered sacred and hold spiritual significance in Bhutanese beliefs and traditions. Many lakes are regarded as sacred sites and are revered as the abodes of protective deities or guardians. They serve as pilgrimage destinations and are sites for religious rituals and ceremonies, fostering a sense of cultural identity and spiritual connection to the land.

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