

  In this collection of reflections on my blog, I delve into various aspects of education, technology, and personal experiences. The reflections provide insights into the integration of ICT (information and communication technology) in education, critical reflections on learning experiences, the use of ICT tools in teaching and learning, an exciting excursion video, and five captivating images that are shared on the blog. The first reflection focuses on the role of ICT in education. It explores how technology has transformed the learning landscape, providing new opportunities for engagement, collaboration, and access to information. The reflection emphasizes the importance of harnessing the potential of ICT to enhance teaching and learning experiences, preparing students for the digital age. The second reflection offers a critical analysis of a learning experience. It highlights the significance of reflective thinking in education, encouraging students to evaluate their own learning

Excursion Video

 Welcome to Sangay Dorji Learning Journey! In this exhilarating excursion video, join me, Sangay Dorji, as we embark on a remarkable adventure to uncover the hidden treasures of Paro Rimpung. Get ready to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and experiences through this video. As we venture into the heart of Paro Rimpung, be prepared to witness breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and extraordinary encounters. Follow me through winding trails as I explore the pristine beauty of Rimpung's natural wonders. Together, we'll delve into the educational aspects of our journey, deepening our understanding of the world and broadening our horizons. This excursion video is not just about the places I visit; it's about the experiences that touch my heart and leave lasting memories. From heartwarming encounters with locals to moments of self-reflection in awe-inspiring settings, my journey will ignite your spirit of adventure and inspire you to embark on your own learning jour


                   "HOW MANY SECOND CHANCES?" This is my debut novella. It took me five years to complete this book. I could publish my book because of the supportive family, friends, and relatives I was surrounded with.  Life is weaved with intricacies, like a tapestry, yet every hardship holds a hidden silver lining awaiting the perfect moment to reveal itself.   The novella, ‘How Many Second Chances’ is a beautifully woven tale about Pema and Karma. Every twist and turn in the story was portrayed in a way that readers would enjoy with curiosity to flip to the next page without a pause. You will laugh, cry, and smile reading it. And sometimes, imagining yourself in Karma’s shoes, you will feel a burning flame in your heart out of jealousy.   “It was evident that he would do anything to get what he wants that night, and he did. So I rushed to the hostel very early on the following day. Then, just in a night, I lost the beautiful me. Yet, I didn’t tell a soul about it, consid

Reflection on ICT tools in teaching and learning

                               ICT tools in teaching and learning I am absolutely in awe of how ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools have changed the educational landscape as I think back on my experiences using them for teaching and learning. These resources have improved instruction while also enabling students to take an active role in their educational pursuits.   The use of educational resources has been crucial in expanding students' knowledge outside of the classroom. As a teacher, I have seen firsthand the enormous potential of these technologies in granting immediate access to a wide variety of knowledge and resources. Informative resources, including digital libraries and online encyclopedias, have opened up a world of opportunities. Through captivating movies, interactive multimedia content, and real-time updates, they allow students to explore a variety of topics and develop their understanding. By enabling students to independently conduct research, f

Paktshoding Lake

Phaktshoding lake is located at 4.5 kms from Gedu town. Phaktshoding Lake visit Paktshoding Tsho, a thriving environment alive with life, is located in the middle of the Gedu forest beneath the highway. Numerous aquatic creatures, including amphibians, reptiles, and water flow, which are dependent on the lake for survival, call it home.  Oral histories passed down through generations claim that the Phaktshoding lake was created by spring water that emerged from a bore hole that wild boars that lived in the area where the lake is located cut into the ground. The lake empties into a space that resembles a silver bowl, and the water that emerges is thought to represent wealth and riches, the lake's gift to the Bongo Gewog people. The lake is revered by the Bongo Gewog people and by anybody who has the good fortune to visit this hallowed wonderland, which is a source of both metaphorical and material blessings.  Lakes hold significant importance in Bhutan, a landlocked country in the e


 I can't overstate how profoundly important drawing is to me as I think back on my experience with it. Drawing has developed from a casual pastime into a true love that gives me enormous happiness and contentment. I've found a special way to express myself and interact with the world around me through sketching. The power of sketching to capture the core of a situation or a concept is one of the main reasons it is so essential to me. Sketches have the innate ability to communicate feelings, narratives, and experiences in a way that words alone frequently find difficult to do. They allow me to convey my perspective and vision to others by acting as visual representations of my thoughts. Each mark I make with a pencil or brush deepens my awareness and enjoyment of the environment I live in, whether I'm capturing the tranquility of nature, drawing the intricate intricacies of a busy cityscape, or expressing my innermost thoughts via abstract forms. Drawing has evolved from a


 In Bhutan, art continues to be an integral aspect of daily life and preserves the simplicity and craftsmanship of bygone eras that are rarely seen in Western Culture. These customs undoubtedly change and adapt as new generations come of age, but they also preserve the internal and exterior spirituality of making a work of art from the past, which is full of the sacred beliefs of this enigmatic and mystical culture. The 13 Traditional Arts and Crafts, known as Zorig Chusum, have persisted to this day and continue to be one of the most important facets of Bhutanese culture. For the Bhutanese people, each piece they create represents a religious experience, a connection with something that goes beyond them and enlightens them creatively. In Bhutan, art plays a crucial role in daily life and serves to express both internal and exterior spirituality. The 13 Arts and Crafts of Bhutan, or Zorig Chusum, are a distinctive tradition of art and craftsmanship practiced there. The legendary saint